Klaipeda Drama Theatre

Hello again! :) Today, I will be writing about Klaipeda's drama theatre.

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The exact inception date of Klaipeda Drama Theatre is still unknown.“The House of Comedy“ was used for military purposes in the past. According to some sources the theater at “The House of Comedy” operated back in 1777; some time later, the Berlin Theatre troupe supposedly performed there. 

It was a two-storey classical building with an attic. In 1854 the theatre was destroyed in a fire. Tradesman Masonas purchased the ruins and from his own funds built a new building in 1857. At least three faces remain until this day. The theatre was closed with the beginning of the First World War.

On 20th March 1939, World War 2, the Germans demanded that Lithuania give up the Klaipeda region, which had been detached from Germany  after WW1. Hitler also made a speech later that year on the balcony of the old part of the drama theatre (first photo) announcing the annexing of the Klaipeda region to Germany.

I went to to visit the theatre and the way that they have restored it is gorgeous! Even the toilets look amazing! Definitely worth visiting, and possibly seeing one of the shows they have on offer.

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Thank you for reading my 4th blog, I hope you have learnt something about Klaipeda Drama Theatre and please comment. :)

Best Wishes,

Nida LT xx 


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