Hello world!

This is my first blog so lets make it a good one! travelablog, to me, is quite a big thing as I am only 10 years of age. I will write about my travels around the world and my personal highlights. Today I will write about best things to do in Lithuania, especially the Western part. I mostly go and enjoy Lithuania because thats were my parents and their families come from. I will be leaving again soon so I will fill you in with what happened. Last year when I went, my TOP highlight was going to the Dolphinarium. Best thing that ever happened to me!!! At the Dolphinarium, as you can guess, have dolphins. There was a show that has 6 dolphins perform many tricks including:

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  • Playing basket ball
  • Singing
  • Clapping
  • Painting
  • Diving 
  • Doing flips
  • Hoola-hooping (on their nose)
  • Balancing balls

So I think it is most definitely worth seeing. Also, at the end of the show, they open up a photo area where you can take a photo of you touching a dolphin and you can feel the wetness of the dolphin which made me fall in love with dolphins even more even though elephants are my top favourite animals. To have the image printed out, you have to pay, but it's "All for a good cause!"  But actually, I don't know what the money goes towards to.  There are many AMAZING things to do in Lithuania  (I mostly go to the Western part) But VERRY VERRY close to number 1 is going to Akropolis. It is probably not the place you suddenly think of but it is an immensely big shopping centre.

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It is really cool! It has a bowling alley on the second floor and depending on which one you go to, there might be a virtual reality 360 place there. Also there are at least 4 different restaurants with an ice-skating rink in the middle and if your lucky, the places you are seated at any restaurant might have a view of the ice-rink.  I highly recommend  any chocolate milkshake in any restaurant because they are so good!!!

Please comment what I should think about next time I go and please don't make it to ambitious, I'm only going to be there for a week and I can't do everything.

Best wishes,
Nida LT xx


  1. That's great, have you visited Kretinga Winter Gardens at all? I'd like to have some reviews about whether it is worth visiting?

    1. Hello Milda :) I highly recommend Kretinga Winter gardens and no matter what the weather is outside, inside, is always warm and cosy. Also, it's go large plants and a few animals like parrots. So, if your interested in gardening, I think you should go.

  2. I would advise You to visit Aquarium which is after restoration. Everything is diferent there now. And congrats with the blog ��

    1. Hello Frellien :) Thank you :) Last time I went, the Dolphinarium had a sky cafe so I'm not sure if that was before or after restoration but I've never seen it before!

    2. Hi, Nida. The Aquarium had opened just in this december after it's restoration. It's all brand new there. So if You'll be in Klaipeda go to visit it πŸ˜‰

    3. Hello Frellien,
      If the restoration opened in December, I have not yet seen it but I hope to soon.

  3. Hi Nida, I am Vida ... I work with your mum! I haven't been to Lithuania at all yet ... but this is a good place for me to start ... I can't wait for your next update! Great blog ...

    1. Hello Vida :) Mum has told me about how good of a boss you are. Lithuania is a brilliant place full of adventure! If you ever get the chance to go to Lithuania, I recommend you do so. (And go to the Dolphinarium )

  4. Well done Nida, I’m Mark, I used to teach your Mum at college and have met you a few times! ��. What an interesting blog! Great to see you showing an interest in your family history, travel and writing; may be you will get a job in tourism or journalism in the future! I look forward to reading more as I would love to visit Lithuania on my motorbike! Well done, keep up the good work! Mark. (Ps. Not sure why my picture and name don’t show up at the top, may be they will when I press done! ��)

    1. Hey Mark! Thank you for the very nice comments but if you go to Lithuania DRIVING your motor bike, it would take 24 hours and a this time of year, it would probably be in minus temperatures. GOOD LUCK!!!!! (Ps. your picture and name did show up)

  5. The Dolphinarium sounds great! Would love to see more pictures, and cannot wait until the next post

  6. What a wonderful blog! Even though I live in Lithuania it is a great reminder of places worth visiting! Thanks so much,Nida! πŸ‘

  7. Amazing blog Nida!!πŸ‘πŸΌπŸŒŸ


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