Adventure or Royalty?

Before we start our travelablog  work, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the people who took their time to read my blog and thank you to those who  commented! I am soooooooo happy!!! :)  When I checked, it said that there is 114 views already on the blog I published yesterday!!!!!!!  THANK YOU and as a reward, you can pat yourself on the back.

I had someone comment about if it was worth going to the Winter Gardens in Kretinga.

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All year round, IT'S WARM (and pretty!!!) in the Winter Gardens. If it's cold outside, inside, IT'S WARM!!! It is a nice place to come in, on a chilly day and warm up. In the mean time, you could see the turtles, parrots or fish. Another great thing to do, is going to the mini museum full of tales from Lithuania's history, or if that's not your cup of tea, you could go exploring in the colossal plants and palm trees that are located round the edges of each corner on the bottom floor. You can see everything on the top balcony. From tropical fish to towering palm trees, there is nothing stopping your spectacular view. There is also a cafe on the top balcony and the food there is really nice:) There are chocolate pancakes with ice-cream in the middle and when I once ordered jelly, they gave a really really big portion, I could barley eat it!

For people who aren't into adventures in the jungle but like to read or act like royalty, I shall write about a castle, but not in Klaipeda (pronounced clay-ped-a) or Kretinga (pronounced the same way it is written), but this castle is in Trakai (pronounced Track-A)

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Today, this castle is opened for tourists to see what it would have been like, but in the olden days, it was used as a proper castle. I've only been there once, so I don't think I know that much about it. All I know is that when I went there, there was a special show of jousting and sword fighting. Quite cool, but also quite dangerous.

PLEASE comment on what you think I should write about next! And don't forget to tell me if you think you are adventurous or you would rather be a royal. I would probably go adventuring. Comment to tell me if you know ANYTHING about the castle in Trakai, any fact or legend. Thank you (again) for reading my blogs, tell me how many stars you would rate it, out of 5.

Best Wishes
Nida LT xx


  1. 5stars for sure! Loved reading it!๐Ÿ˜‰ your blog made me think it's been a while since I visited winter garden! And since it's getting cold outside, maybe its a good time to visit again!
    Trakai is a nice place, but I believe I'm more adventurous, therefore I would rather go to Neringa and explore amazing sand dunes! ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  2. Amazing blog Nida! Very proud!! I love the look of the castle in Trakai! I would definitely say I’m royalty!!๐Ÿ˜Š 5 out of 5 stars! ๐ŸŒŸ
    Miss King x

    1. Hello Miss King,
      Thank you for the brilliant comments :)
      I believe the place as a royal suits you!

  3. It's looks lovely especially the night shot.
    In my book it states.....Trakai, a historic Lithuanian town, occupies a site surrounded by lakes only 28 kilometres to the west of Vilnius. The most famous place in the town is it's gothic castle, which was built on an island in lake Galve in the 14th and 15th centuries by grand dukes Kestutis and Vytautas. Today the castle houses the Trakai historic museum.
    I would be adventurous but royalty!
    How about the island Nida.....x


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